2023 Statistics related to my Action Figure pages


Pages added in 2023

most popular Action Figure pictures on this site in 2023

  1. Dinah  129
  2. Melody  126
  3. Nicky  125
  4. Kazumi  124
  5. Abigail Whistler  122
  6. Floyd and Kim  120
  7. Gemma  120
  8. Caitlin  89
  9. the B-Girls  89
  10. Tia  88
  11. Kassie  88
  12. Liz  83

most popular Action Figure pages in 2023

  1. Kayla (in progress)  188
  2. Dinah  180
  3. Tia (in progress)  169
  4. Denyse  166
  5. Claudia  160
  6. Dream Girl Ice  159
  7. Janet  157
  8. Penny  148
  9. Andrea 147
  10. Daisy 141
  11. Kassie  140
  12. Claire  139

Changes made to Action Figure pages in 2023

Dec  2, 2023main Stats PageMoved change-log and stats for 2022 to a separate page.
Aug  1, 2023Main CG PageChanged initial picture back to picture of Nicky.
Jul  2, 2023Main CG PageReplaced initial picture of Nicky with picture of Tia, for Disability Pride Month.
Jul  2, 2023KaylaAdded latest progress and some new pictures to page and to description on CG Projects page.
Jul  2, 2023TiaAdded more details and a picture to description of fitting a ball joint to the neck.
Jun 24, 2023Action Figure LinksUpdated link to revamped DollyHair site.
Jun 24, 2023TiaAdded some more details to description of fitting a ball joint to the neck.
May 19, 2023TiaAdded portrait picture to thumbnails panel and added remark about nicely printed face up.
Apr  8, 2023TiaAdded new page and added Tia to the My Girls, 'Spares-box Sweethearts' and Head Sculpt Codes pages. As Tia is on the old body I used for Kayla before, I moved the modifications to the page for Tia.
Apr  5, 2023KaylaAdded some more text and pictures of torso joint repair.
Apr  3, 2023KaylaAdded description with pictures of torso joint repair.
Mar  2, 2023KaylaAdded some introductory text.
Jan  3, 20232020 StatisticsFixed link to image on Padding a CG body page.
Jan  2, 20232021 StatisticsFixed errors in header and changed 'this page' to link to main Stats page.
Jan  1, 2023Preparing an Action Figure BodyChanged link for Improving the looks of an Armoury body to separate page .

Back to latest stats page
Stats and changes for 2022

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