The Skynet Ladies Mission figures stand out among female action figures because of the highly detailed faces, it took years before companies like Triad and TTL were able to match the level of detail found on the LM faces.
There are only a few head sculpts in the LM series and these are used over and over again whereas body types and hair colors vary between releases.
Most Ladies Mission figures are named and often a single name is used for figures with the same head sculpt.
In 2006 Skynet released four 'Slim Body' figures in their 'Ladies Mission Basic Infantry' series. Among these was this version of Kelly Jackson, dressed in jeans.
Her body is an all new slim version with a tan skin tone, the other three 'Slim Body' figures all had a caucasian skin tone. The caucasian skin toned version of this body can sometimes be found as a loose nude body, often referred to as 'Ladies Mission Slim Body'.
A while ago Angelina and Kelly had a mishap with a Ferrari.