In 2005 Takara released Midori Washio 'Protect Gear Kerberos Panzer Cop Version', based on the character in the Kerberos manga.
Sofar there have been three releases of this figure, each with a different color panzer suit.
For the third release (mat black panzer suit) the head sculpt differs from the first (black panzer suit) and second (gray panzer suit)
releases although both heads have the same code (CG17) on the back of the head.
Midori Gray Version
Midori Mat Black Version
I bought the mat black edition of Midori boxed and prefer to keep her dressed in her uniform (without the panzer suit) as it appears that this figure is a bit more fragile than most CGs.
Then I noticed the different Midori head sculpts and decided to buy a loose first edition Midori head on eBay. At first I put this head on a spare Perfect Body, later I bought a separate nude CG v2 body and named her Chidori.
One thing I like about these heads is the expression, a face with Asian features but without the obligatory polite smile. In particular Chidori has that moody-but-cute teenager look, the Mat Black Midori looks a bit more mature.